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  • 🥗Avoid these deadly mistakes💀

🥗Avoid these deadly mistakes💀

Learn from our top 3 mistakes at Obvi, so you don't have to make the same ones

Hey there, and welcome back for another bite to chew on

We hope you’re CRUSHING your to-do list thus far and are ready to spend the next 2 minutes and 4 seconds with us.

In this newsletter, we’ll tell you three of our BIGGEST mistakes at Obvi - so that you don’t have to make the same mistakes.

We know you’re busy, so we’ll keep it short and sweet.

Never rest on your laurels

One of the biggest mistakes we’ve made with Obvi is that once things started to go well…

… and profits were coming in every day

… and the day-to-day business was streamlined

We made a terrible mistake that, unfortunately, many entrepreneurs make at a certain point in their careers.


We started to get comfortable…

Comfortable with the way things were going

Comfortable with the amount of money we were making

Comfortable with our lifestyles

And although it may sound nice

It’s actually a terrible mistake to make because…

If you’re not moving forwards, you’re moving backwards

It’s a cliche quote, we know, but you only realize it once you’ve been living the comfortable life for a while and things start to break (which they will!)

You need leaders, and you need executors

Sometimes, you strike gold and find someone who can be both a good leader AND a good executor.

But often, you’ll find people who are just one of them

… and that’s perfectly fine

However, you’ll realize over time that executors are great for getting the work done today.

But you also need leaders who can make sure that it’s the right work that gets done.

Now, the issue for us has always been that we’re executors ourselves - and therefore, we had to switch from being great executors to great leaders.

And this is a challenging switch to make.

We think we’re good enough for now, but we might have to bring in more senior leaders to help us in the future.

Not internationalizing sooner

If you’ve read our newsletter from a few weeks ago or followed us on social media, you know that we’ve started selling internationally.

… and all we can think about is: Why didn’t we start to do this earlier?

Right now, 20-30% of our sales come from outside the US - and we’re approximately 27% more efficient than in the US.

That’s HUGE for our bottom line.

If you want to learn our entire playbook for going international (incl. the tools and partners we’ve used) then reply to this email and we’ll make the Sunday newsletter about that.

Alright, here’s the TL;DR

1) Never rest on your laurels; You’ll regret it so much down the line

2) A great company needs great executors AND great leaders. Don’t wait too long to learn how to lead / or find a leader

3) Go international sooner

Tool of the Week

There’s CX platforms that just helps you with responding to tickets, automating a few flows, and then pay.

… and then there are CX platforms who actually want to see you succeed.

Gorgias is the latter

Last week, the Gorgias team reached out to us and said they wanted to present a new set of strategies and tactics to help us get our RT & FRT down to less than 8 hours.

If your CX platform doesn’t do this; it’s time to find a new platform.

So shoutout to Gorgias for being truly customer-centric. Not just saying it - but actually being it

Thanks for reading along

As always, we appreciate you and look forward to seeing you again on Sunday

All the best
Ron & Ash