The "Banger Ads" Playbook

Use this to scale to $10k/day in ad spend

Hey there, and welcome back for another bite to chew on

This week, we’re talking about one of our absolute favorite topics…

… and that is:

Ad Creatives

By now, we all know that creative is the name of the game, and you can’t media buy your way to success any more.

So let’s skip the chit-chat because we know you’re on the clock, and so are we…

Here’s what we’ll talk about today

  • The One-Creative-Doesn’t-Fit-All Principle

  • How to make UGC ads that can spend $10k a day

  • The Art of Producing Banger Statics

The One-Creative-Doesn’t-Fit-All Principle

We have to start out by laying the foundation of how you need to think about every ad creative or ad copy you ever make

… and that is the “One-Creative-Doesn’t-Fit-All Principle”

Which is basically another way of saying that you’d want your ads to:

Sell ONE product

To solve ONE problem

For ONE specific avatar

Meaning, if you solve different problems and/or sell to different avatars (which you probably do) - then only one creative messaging won’t cut it

If you try to sell to anyone, you will sell to no one.

This is a foundational principle that you need to understand in order to create direct-response ads, whether video or static…

How to make UGC ads that can spend $10k a day

Alright, let’s talk about UGC.

Not the fake “I’m obsessed with this product” type of UGC…

Throw that in the trash bin.

We talk about the authentic UGC ads that can be scaled to $10k ad spend per day and still deliver profitable returns.

Those are pretty hard to make

… but

We’ve done it a few times, so we might know a thing or two about it…

There are essentially two layers of a well-produced UGC ad:

1) It has to have a great hook (Otherwise, nobody will watch the video)

2) It has to be authentic. Not sound authentic. But BE authentic

The first part is done by sitting down with a cup of coffee (or a can of Brez) and thinking about what a good hook is. What’s scroll-stopping, engaging, and fun/informative to watch??!

And then… Finding a talented actor/creator who can then make that hook extraordinarily well (those are really hard to find btw)

You can either do this yourself, through a UGC platform, or with the help of a UGC agency…

(Sidenote: If you want help from a UGC agency, I have some absolute killers. Simply reply to this email, and I’ll intro you.)

The next part is solved by inviting your customers to have a 10-15 minute Zoom call or in-person interview where they can talk about their actual experiences with your product.

It’s pretty simple, really.

It has to be attention-grabbing (which, typically, your customers are not trained enough to do)

… and then it needs to be authentic

That’s it

The Art of Producing Banger Statics

For the last two years, static ads have absolutely CRUSHED it for us.

Even while everybody (including ourselves) was chasing the new shiny object called UGC in 2021 and 2022 - we still kept spending a ton of money on creating statics.

There are a few reasons for this:

- Statics ads have lower CPMs compared to video, and for our account, they also performed similarly or better than video ads

- They deliver the core message within 2 seconds (if done correctly)

- They’re relatively easier to create, and it’s easier to test a bunch of different variations fast

… and it’s the same thing we see across a lot of the ad accounts we audit on Mentorpass as well

Now you might think: “Ok - but how do I create banger statics.”

That’s what we’ll tell you now ;)

  1. Make it stand out from the crowd by using colors that don't blend in with everything else. Here’s a great example

  2. Have a big, bold headline that EITHER conveys your message and value proposition in a few words OR gets the reader curious about what your product is about. Here’s an example of the former, and here’s an example of the latter

  3. Sell the click, not the product.

  4. Cram as many trust signals or additional benefits into the ad without cluttering it. Our designer did a great job of this here.

  5. Compare your product to other well-known products in the industry. For example, as we’ve done here.

  6. …and last but not least:

Test a ton of different styles and variations out.

If you test enough, you’ll inevitably find a winning angle somewhere.

… and those winning angles can then be used in your video ads

Tool of The Week

What’s the easiest way to create banger ads without spending a ton of money on hiring designers, copywriters, and video editors?

… and also without waiting for days and days for your content to be done?

It’s called Pencil - an AI ad generator that can help you create new ads or iterations in a matter of seconds.

With a dataset of +$1 billion, their AI probably has a pretty good idea of what works and what doesn’t ;)

The best part?

Their prices start at $119/month - which is literally pennies compared to the number of ads they can create…

PS: They even have a 7-day free trial…

… Wait, before you leave

Wanna know the second easiest way to create banger ads?

It’s pretty simple…

Copy & paste the proven templates of ad experts such as Nick Shackelford, Rabah Rahil, or yours truly.

If you want to grab ALL of our proven ad templates in an easily editable file, go to CreativeOS and get the Obvi Ads Template today.

Thanks for reading along

We appreciate you taking the time to read our newsletter, and we look forward to serving you again on Sunday.

All the best

Ron & Ash

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