🥗 Dare to Be Bold

Hey there,

Welcome back for another bite to chew on.

This week, we're diving deep into the heart of what makes us stand out in a sea of sameness—the essence of what makes Obvi, well, obviously different.

Ever wondered how we landed our bold choices in flavors, packaging, and brand identity? 

It’s all about breaking the mold and daring to be different—something we've believed in right from the start.

Product differentiation doesn’t really cut it for how we went about things… 

It went beyond that, Brand Differentiation feels more right.

With this week’s newsletter, we want to inspire you to do the same with your brand and stand out.

Why stop the inspiration through at just a screen?

If you didn’t hear, we partnered with Gorgias to create an automation playbook going over how we scaled to $60M with the help of automating CX.

To celebrate that, if you sign up here to download the playbook before 2/14, you’ll be entered to win:

  • An all expenses paid trip to NYC

  • A day at Obvi headquarters to meet the team

  • A 45-minute mentorship sessions with Ron and/or Ash

  • VIP Access to the Chew On This Summit on March 14th in NYC

So, get in on that before next week!

Now, back to the why behind everything that makes us, us:

Breaking the Mold: Being Boldly Different

From day one, Obvi has been about standing out. 

In a market flooded with options, our inception was fueled by a desire to cut through the noise.

Everything on the shelf was super medicinal...nothing really popped.

We wanted to be the candy in a world of medicine, offering not just a product but an experience that's delightful, engaging, and, most importantly, effective.

We aimed to disrupt norms with bright pink packaging and cool flavors.

This wasn’t just about looks; it was about substance—offering a product that’s not only fun but packed with benefits far beyond what the market offered.

Making the Bold Choice

Questions about if this was the right choice obviously came up… 

They were ultimately met with an even bigger one.

Why not swing with a haymaker?

I think you’d all agree that the punch landed!

Vision, Feedback & Being Absolutely Different

Our Vision

We wanted Obvi to be about more than just selling a product; it was about changing perceptions.

Health and wellness could be fun, tasty, and sexy…

No one in the space was challenging the conventional bleh and boring associated with health supplements.

Obvi has been a testament to the power of vision. It demonstrates that with strong conviction, even bold ideas can become reality. 

This was not an easy road…

It required faith in the unseen, belief in the unproven, and the courage to sail against the current.

Your Feedback

We wanted our approach to marketing to go beyond just selling; it needed to create a dialogue. 

Listening to feedback, making adjustments… all focused on retention.

This engagement has allowed Obvi to pivot based on real customer insights. For example, we've tweaked sweetness levels and rethought flavor profiles, like the cayenne pepper superfoods incident..

(Sorry! It really wasn’t spicy to us!)

It's a testament to our commitment not just to sell but to serve. We ensure that our products are not just seen but loved.

Truly Different

Obvi’s design was clear from the start—bold, disruptive, and absolutely different.

We needed to be completely different, to be completely intriguing.

This philosophy extended beyond the choice of bright pink packaging. It was about creating a visual language that directly spoke to our audience's craving for something new. 

We knew the risk of going against the norm but also knew that true innovation doesn't come from playing it safe. 

It comes from daring to be different, from challenging the status quo, and from creating something that not only stands out on the shelf but also stands up to scrutiny.

This Success is Shared

Our journey of embracing boldness has carved a unique space for Obvi in the market. It has also fostered a deep connection with our community. 

We've seen firsthand how being different, listening to our customers, and continuously innovating can lead to incredible brand loyalty and market presence.

We've learned that differentiation isn’t just about being noticed. It’s about being remembered, respected, and revered.

And we couldn’t be more thankful for you all for getting us here!

Looking Ahead to the Future

As we continue to grow, our focus remains on innovation and community. 

Expect more:

  • limited-edition flavors

  • deeper dives into the science behind our products

  • even stronger community connection

  • products that keep pushing the boundaries

We’ll be back in the Facebook group to answer your questions. We’ll talk directly to you.

We promise. 

Our future is not just about growing; it’s about growing closer to you.

Tool of the Week

With tax season coming up, we need to talk about a lesser known, but even more important tax—the ignorance tax. 

It's not as famous as sales tax, but it can cost you way more…

Imagine paying a hefty price just because you didn't know there was a better way to do things. 

Sounds painful, right?

At Obvi, we've had our fair share of learning the hard way.

(we're talking about a $5 million in missed opportunities and not-so-optimal strategies)

Yeah, ouch…

But here's how we fixed it: We were introduced to Intelligems

They laid it out so clearly that we finally got why our creative tests weren't the jackpot we thought they were. It was about testing the big stuff first—offers, prices.

We nudged our prices up by a whopping 33% during a test of value perception. And the reaction? Nothing…. No drop in love for our products. 

If you're all about e-commerce and not about unnecessary losses, maybe it's time to take a look at Intelligems.

Who says you have to learn everything the hard way?


Thanks for Reading Along

Thank you for being a part of the Obvi story. 

Your support fuels our fire to keep innovating, engaging, and, most of all, being boldly Obvi.

Here’s to many more milestones, flavors, and breakthroughs—together.

All the best,

Ron & Ash