Our first 30 days of building a new brand

How we plan to launch Paw Rangers

Hey there, and welcome back for another bite to chew on

This week - we’re gonna chew on our new baby (say WHAT! )

Yeah, it’s true…

In case you haven’t seen it yet…

We just popped a new baby! 🎉

His name is Paw Rangers, and he’s been on the way for A LOT longer than 9 months.

His mother (Ankit) took freaking ages to design him, but now he’s here, and we couldn’t be prouder of the result.

Alright - enough of the bad humor… (it comes with the package)

In this newsletter, Ash will talk about how he will tackle his first 30 days as the CMO of our new brand.

Some of you may be starting a new brand from scratch too and might find this helpful - and others may need to go back to the basics and take a few steps back to take a few steps forward.

Regardless, we think you’ll learn something from this newsletter.

So let’s dive in!

Get the foundations right

First things first…

Get your backend in order.

Before running ANY traffic, you need to set up your Email + SMS flows properly.

This includes

Your abandoned checkout flow…

Your welcome series…

Your post-purchase experience…

Your social proof (ask for reviews) flow…

Your pre-purchase flow for those who sign up for the newsletter…

All of that needs to be 100% dialled in before you run any traffic - whether organic or paid.

PS: If you want to learn more about SMS, Email, and Retention - then don’t forget to listen to our latest podcast episode with Alex Beller from Postscript.io
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Get that social proof

The second line on the agenda is: Get a ton of social proof.

If you’re running traffic and you have no social proof, nobody will buy.


There are two ways I would approach getting a ton of social proof…

1) Seed 50-100 influencers so that you can get authentic content + organic reach through their profiles

2) Pay a handful of content creators to essentially “make” social proof. You can easily find content creators on Insense that’ll make a video for you for $100-$150.

Besides getting social proof - this also helps in getting some initial organic reach (and hopefully sales) + it helps with kickstarting our content engine (which we’ll need for paid ads)

Craft an irresistible offer

Backend, check

Social proof, check

Content, check

Organic reach & sales, check

Now it’s time to start running some paid ads.

But, to do that, we need to craft an irresistible offer.

We would (and we will) write an entire newsletter on this topic alone.

But essentially, what you need to do is:

1) Do a deep-dive into your unit economics and figure out which types of offers are possible, given the financial limitations.

For example, does it make sense to test:

- Buy One, Get One?

- Free Shipping?

- X percent off?

- Free gift worth $XX?

- Free info-product (added perceived value) for X amount of people?

These types of offers won’t be possible to run for all of you simply because your margins may not allow it. But if they do allow it - then I’d look into testing all of the above.

2) Sprinkle in a good ol’ guarantee

Again, a guarantee is not something everybody can do.

But if you can - then you should.

And again, there are different ways to go about framing the guarantee. It could just be a plain and simple 30-day money-back guarantee.

It could also be a juicy outcome-based guarantee such as a “60-day hair-loss guarantee.”

PS: If you can’t live up to the guarantee, don’t do it. It’s not worth it in any way.

3) Think about how you can include scarcity or urgency in the offer

People have a lot of different opinions about this, but ours is:

3.1) Be very articulate about your stock and how many units you have left.

Especially in the beginning, you may have very low stock.

And that’s actually to your advantage.

Instead of playing big-guy, say “hey, we only have 30 pieces left” - next batch will come on this date.

3.2) It’s okay to use “Fake” scarcity and urgency…

But you just have to be authentic about it.

Don’t say you have 20 pieces left and then run the offer for another month.

Instead - sell out of that product and let people know that you’ve sold out.

It will help you sell a lot more next time (Pro tip 😉)

Tool of the week

We all know that acquisition costs are rising…

And it’ll never go in the opposite direction.

But should we just accept this and watch our profit margins shrink by the day?

Hell nah!

Thankfully, there are a few ways you can get access to your customers without having to pay Zuck

One of those ways are push notifications through your mobile app.

Here are three reason why we love push notifications:

1) They’re free

2) They’re equally as powerful as emails

3) You can blast out as many as you want, without having to worry about the cost (because they are free…)

If you haven’t yet started to experiment with push notifications and mobile apps, we strongly recommend you to start today.

Thank you for reading along

As always, thank you for reading along.

We appreciate you, and hope to see you again on Sunday