How To Sell Out In Minutes

Our Entire Hype & Launch Playbook

Hey there, and welcome back for another bite to chew on!

We hope you're enjoying a great weekend with your loved ones and are ready to spend the next 2 minutes and 14 seconds with us.

In this week's newsletter, we're discussing a topic more important than EVER in today’s environment: How to retain customers and get them to come back for more.

Many paths lead to Rome, but product launches have worked best for us.

Last year alone, we launched 26 new products (yes, one every other week). If anything explains our strong retention rate at Obvi, it's our product launch strategy.

In this newsletter, we'll share our end-to-end strategy and playbook.

But first, we have some news to share with you:

Okay, enough chit-chat. Let's dive straight in.

Why Launching New Products Can Make or Break Your Business

Consumer loyalty is rare today. New and exciting brands pop up everywhere, and with abundant choices in almost every industry, why should consumers buy from your brand again? Really, why?!?!

The only reasons we can think of are if you A) Have a strong community, B) Offer new and exciting products to test, or C) Have both.

Start Here

"Okay, but how do I find a new and exciting product that my customers want?"

Good question.

Here's the simple answer: Ask them.

Here's the slightly more complex answer:

  • Set up a Typeform to survey your customers

  • Keep questions open-ended and ask no more than 4-5

  • Incentivize feedback if needed

  • Analyze responses and build the top 3 most sought-after products

Product, Check. Now What?

Alright, now to the fun stuff...

How do you launch your new product? How do you hype it up? How do you make people rush to buy it?

We wouldn't say we've nailed it, as companies like Supreme do it 1000x better than us. But for almost every product launch, we've sold out within the first 24 hours (often within the first 3).

So the playbook we're going to teach you now definitely works.

  • Start advertising your product launch early with pre-launch teasers

  • Excite your community and make them feel heard (they probably filled out the Typeform)

  • Send products to customers, creators, and photography studios for early content production

  • Create a Facebook event for your product launch and get RSVPs for free reminders

  • Encourage sign-ups for your mobile app for exclusive offers and early access to new products

    • This is a pro-tip if you want to build hype & community in an owned channel

So Far, So Good...

This is part 1 of a successful launch. You excite people, hype them up, and get them to sign up for exclusive offers on your app.

Now, here's the second part:

  • Send push notifications for your product launch at 72, 48, 24 hours left, etc., to create excitement & hype

  • Launch the product exclusively to app users first, with limited stock

  • Once sold out, advertise that the product sold out within X hours or minutes

Why This Works

First, people like exclusive offers and products others can't access.

Second, you get people to sign up for your app, allowing you to send numerous push notifications before, during, and after your product launch at no cost.

And third, if you advertise that you're sold out, people will remember it for next time and make sure to sign up.

Tool of the week

Taxes sucks...

Getting tax fines sucks even more...

Last year, we paid +$50k in tax fines alone (yeah, ouch)

And this year, we made it a goal to not waste a single dime on unnecessary and useless tax fines that literally just eat up your profits

Numeral has helped us achieve this goal by taking care of EVERYTHING related to sales tax for us.

If you also get gray hairs from even thinking about sales taxes, we highly recommend you to talk with Numeral.

They audit your entire setup and then fix of all of it for you (because, to be honest - no one really understands Sales Tax for eCommerce without the help of professionals

Click here to check them out today

Thanks for reading along

As always, thanks for reading along

We appreciate you and look forward to serving you again on Wednesday

All the best

Ron & Ash

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