Swipe File - Obvi's Top Performing Ads

+ Walkthrough of why they work so well

In this guide, we’ll go through our top performing ads.

We do this to help you guys and give you inspiration on how you can make better ads too (and hopefully make more money)

That being said: Don’t COPY everything 1:1. Trust me - it won’t work.

Take inspiration by the building blocks of a good ad, and build out something similar (or better yourself). But the important thing is: LEARN THE BUILDING BLOCKS. Then you never need to copy anyone!

If you want to see me (Ash) Walk through each and every one of the ads below with you - then watch this unlisted Youtube video

1) # of Customer social proof + Big Promise + Review Social Proof + Guarantee

2) Comparison

3) Big Promise + Guarantee + # of Customers Social Proof

4) UGC Compilation + Benefits / USP’s + AfterPay BNPL. Mix of Static & UGC

5) Review + Big Promise + Guarantee

6) Big Promise + Eye Catching Visual + “Specs” + # of Customers Social Proof

7) Review + Big Promise + Guarantee

8) Real UGC Compilation

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