Welcome to Chew On This

Your new favourite newsletter on building and scaling D2C brands

Welcome To Chew On This

Your new favorite newsletter on building and scaling D2C brands

Hey there 👋

Thanks for subscribing to Chew On This - the weekly newsletter that gives you digestible D2C content that you can take action on today. No fluff, no stuff, just actionable content.

On a daily basis, we act as the CEO and CMO of Obvi, a 8-figure health brand that we started 3.5 years ago.

When we started Obvi, we wished there was somebody to show us the playbook, the tactics, and the “secrets” for building a 8 or 9-figure D2C brand. But, there weren’t so we had to learn it the hard way. We started the “Chew On This” newsletter and podcast to be “those” persons for you, so you don’t have to make all the mistakes we’ve made.

To increase the chance of this becoming your new favorite newsletter, we do have one question for you and that is: If there is one topic or one thing we could write about that would make your day better, what would it be?

Please reply your answer to this email, and we will do our very best to make your day better.

PS: We read all the mails. Every. Single. One. Of. Them

As promised by Ron on Twitter - we also got a gift for you because you were among the first people who signed up for the newsletter.

So we’ve compiled a document that we’ve called “How We Scaled to $40MM in 40 Months With Financial Engineering”. This document is by far not completely updated with all our learnings yet, but we’ll add to it and update it as we go along. So at some point in time, you’ll have an entire playbook / D2C book in there. That being said, there is definately still some content you can chew on in there too
 until the first newsletter gets released 😉 

You probably got some questions about what you signed up for, so here you got some answers

How many newsletters will you send per week? What will the topics be? What’s the structure of the newsletters?

We’re looking forward to serving you, and helping you take your brand to the next level.

Best regards,
Ron & Ash